Blogging,  Our Literate Life

“In the House” 365 Days: The Blog is ONE!

I got the strangest email recently: “your web hosting account has been auto-renewed.” Oh yeah… because THE BLOG IS ONE YEAR OLD! Oddly, this milestone is passing like my children’s first birthdays: with a vague sense that I should be celebrating more fully than I actually am! We ate pizza & ice cream in our basement with our closest family members for the kids’ firsts. Okay, twist my arm. We’ll eat pizza & ice cream tonight. 😉 And based on my post earlier this week, it’ll all be home made.

one year of blogging

Anyhow, this is officially post #90 that I’ve published here on the blog! I’m feeling proud of that accomplishment. For the next year, I have some pretty epic series planned. I’ve started working on a “tour of children’s books”/”library roadmap” type of series. (Clearly the title is under construction.) I also have a hunch that we’ll be digging into some early reader books in the next year, and definitely exploring more (and longer) chapter books for reading aloud. For the school year, we’re tackling a hybrid of homeschool preschool and a co-op, and I’ll be sure to share more of how that plays out and the books we encounter along the way.

Thanks for following along! It’s been a joy getting to know you, dear readers! Your notes & comments on how you’ve been inspired to read more and how you’ve tried different titles and tactics have literally made my day on MANY occasions! I would LOVE to hear your suggestions for what you’d like to see on the blog! Comment here or on my facebook page. And, if you like what you see, please share Librarian in the House with your friends. I would love to inspire more bookworms in the coming year!