reading list chapter books audiobooks kindergarten preschool
Age 3-5,  Age 5-8,  Age early elementary,  Audiobooks

Monthly Book Log April-June 2019 {Age 4 and 6}

This calendar quarter was filled with nonfiction read alouds about all things Spring, Summer, baseball, and Easter, including 130 pages from the Egermeier’s Bible Story Book chronicling Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. In addition, we enjoyed these chapter book read alouds together– audios in the car 🙂

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Owls in the Family by Farley Mowat. Although not my favorite, both boys eagerly asked for read alouds from this short chapter book (around 100 pages, black and white pencil illustrations every 3-4 pages or so). After finishing the story I learned that the author was a distinguished naturalist and conservationist whose (copyright 1963) book recounts his adventures as a biologist on a solo mission to study Arctic wolves, and is credited with changing the stereotypically negative perception of wolves. The novel we read introduced some teachable moments about the treatment and welfare of animals. It has a bit of an outdated feel to it, but we found it to be worth reading.

The Enchanted Wood by Enid Blyton. This was such a pleasant surprise! After not having heard of this series, I picked it up with the words, “my kids liked it better than Magic Treehouse” ringing in my ears. I think my kids might make the same assessment (I’m a little afraid to ask because MTH holds a special place in my heart!) We read about 30 pages a day of, and my four year old even begged for more! It’s so fun to see him getting into a chapter book with focused attention and very few pictures. It’s a zany and fast-paced fantasy and IMO a perfect light summertime read! (210 pages long),⁣ It reminds me a touch of Alice in Wonderland with characters like The Saucepan Man and Mr. Watzisname, and travels to The Roundabout Place, Rocking Land, and the Land of Take-What-You-Want.


Incidentally, as of my time of writing this, the first two of these audiobooks are less than $3 on Audible! (You can read my post the Ins and Outs of Audible here, but these are all available a la carte without a membership.)

The Peter Rabbit Collection. A re-read for Kinder Bookworm and a first time for Preschool Bookworm. Isn’t Spring a great time to read Peter Rabbit?

The Reluctant Dragon. As above, a reread/first time for the boys respectively. Such sophisticated language in this one, but they followed along intently.

By the Great Horn Spoon This was a family listen during a road trip, and it kept us all entertained throughout our journey! We haven’t listened to many “full cast audio” productions. This was a fun change, and we all learned a bit about the California gold rush too!

Little House in the Big Woods. I needed a surefire book for sitting in shore traffic, and this was the ticket! A re-read for our family, but always a winner. It’s amazing how much Cherry Jones’ narration can infuse our car with peaceful listening while anxiously awaiting arrival to the beach!

Books mentioned in this post should be available at your local library, or at the affiliate links provided.  As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

What have you been reading lately? Connect with me in the comments below, or on my Facebook or Instagram.




books we have read toddler preschool