Age 5-8,  Age 8-12,  Age early elementary,  Nature & Outdoors

Backyard Bird Count and Bird Book Roundup

We are so excited to participate in the Great Backyard Bird Count! The event’s tagline is “connect to birds, to nature, and with each other” which sounds perfect for my crew! How cute that this takes place near Valentine’s Day for all of the “love bird” themes!  😉 Put simply, this is a time to become a “citizen scientist” and tally/record/report the bird species that you spot during a specified period of time (more on that below). Bird counts began in the early 1900s in response to the annual tradition of that time to hold bird hunting parties at Christmastime.

We first learned about the Great Backyard Bird Count after missing the deadline to sign up for the Christmas Bird Count. Just as well, though, since that count seems a tad more intense, especially for beginners. (I was pretty intimidated by the registration process alone!) The Great Backyard Bird Count is much more novice friendly, but still lots of fun!

You can check out the official website here for all the details. Anyone can participate by simply watching birds for 15 minutes or more, at least once during the four days of the count: Feb 16-19, 2024. You then log your bird sightings either using the apps listed on the website, or using your browser. It’s free to participate.

There are so many beautiful resources to learn about birds! Below are a few of our favorites.

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Bird Counts and Becoming a Citizen Scientist

Beginning Bird Watching Inspiration

Refining Your Skills

Just For Fun

These are so smart- cute little plush birds that sing authentic bird calls provided by the Cornell lab of Ornithology’s bird recording archives! We’ve gradually added to our collection, and these little guys have taught us to train our ears for these bird calls! There are many varieties to choose from based on what’s in your backyard or what you’d like to learn, and affordable! (Usually around $8)

I’d love to hear if you participate in the Great Backyard Bird Count, or a lowkey birdwatching adventure of your own making! Connect with me in the comments below or on my Instagram or Facebook accounts.